2013年11月25日 星期一



Passage1 :印刷傳播對於美國社會的影響。各大報刊雜誌怎麼蓬勃發展,吸引讀者,小的實力不足的報刊雜誌另闢道路,和大的報刊雜誌並存。

Passage2 :關於人們離職率影響的因素,歐洲,北美,日本等不同的地方的離職率不同。



C1:圖書館。學生要借書但找不到,螢幕顯示已還 管理員說應該是剛還尚未上架 請明天再來拿 但學生很急說要寫論文 之所以搜不到是因為剛換電腦系統還有需在搜索後面加上JOURNAL才能找到文獻

L1:硬幣風格和雕塑類似,希臘的coins 不同時期的不同特徵統治者的頭像之類的提到了亞歷山大大帝。




L4:考古學。石器時代人們的飲食 吃肉發現動物骨頭 麵粉會用火 食物煮熟的好處1.儲存能量2.毒素去除。


Task 1 
Describe a social or political event celebrated in your country. Explain how people in your country celebrate this event.

Task 2 
If you are interested in a book or a movie, will you buy it or rent it? (p.3 最高危險口說寫作)

Task 3 

The letter proposes that a poetry reading can be moved from its original time at night to the afternoon. In this way, more students will have time to attend and some students can even read their own works. The students agree with the proposal. The first reason is that many students have......(p.3 最高危險口說寫作)

The psychology lecture discusses a state-dependent learning, which is the phenomenon in which an individual can recall effectively a memory when he is in the same state of consciousness and condition as he was when the memory was formed. The speaker gives the example of a group of students.....(p.3 最高危險口說寫作)

Task 5 

The woman’s problem is that she works in the biology lab but does mostly secretarial work and cannot learn anything relevant. The students discuss two solutions. The first solution is to...... (p.2 最高危險口說寫作)

Task 6 
Protective resemblance The lecture talks about protective resemblance. That is the resemblance can be related to their permanent or various environments. The professor first gives the example of a frog...... (p.2 最高危險口說寫作)



Romans poisoned by lead:cosmetics and medicinal ointment have leadwater in lead pipes;wine: sapa lead pot製 
Do you A/D?People live in countryside are happier than people live in the city.