動物的行為關於動物某種行為的研究分為兩個流派:一類認為動物的行為是與生俱來的。一類認為可以通過一些實驗改變動物的行為。 (p.17高危險閱讀聽力)
關於熱帶雨林中的動物聲音傳播 大家為了讓自己的聲音被聽到 就形成了不同的strategies 第一個是利用擴音器原理; (p.3高危險閱讀聽力)
C1:一姑娘去參加一個group活動沒去聽講座。開始解釋一堆,然後問教授作業是什麼關於art history ...
L1:關於從plant seeds 裡提取蛋白質做藥物說了seeds 裡提取的好處(與葉子進行比較) 對人體有作用啊, 長時間儲存啊等等
L2:【藝術-藝術史-雕像】要點:Art history,一篇關於雕塑。詞彙:statue ['stætʃu]
/sculpture ['skʌlptʃɚ]雕像(p.78高危險閱讀聽力)
C2:一姑娘選不到課,因人數已經滿了。老師讓她在waiting list 上簽名但是不要太客觀。然後讓他注意一個lab 不要與課程衝突。又說學校的課程安排改變,網上會隨時更新
L4:考古學site 被火燒了,然後有一個博物館。重點聽博物館與這個古遺址的關係。還有教授的態度。
Task 1. What
suggestion / advice would you like to give to a child who is starting school
for the first time. Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this
suggestion is important. (p. 16 最高危險口說寫作)
Task 2. Will electronic materials/books replace
traditional printed materials/books? / Which do you prefer? (p. 2最高危險口說寫作) The sample answer I
gave still applies (saves paper, convenient)!
Task 3. The student proposes that the school have a
ride-sharing program. Commuting students can share cars/carpool with their
classmates. The policy will not only save money but also help protect the
environment…(p. 2 最高危險口說寫作)
Task 4. Behavior Contract: When teachers want
students to have desirable behaviors, they will set a contract with the
students. The professor gives himself as an example. He used to teach kids.
When they yelled the answer instead of raising their hands...(p. 2最高危險口說寫作)
Task 5 Schedule conflict. There is a ski trip of
this weekend; however, the woman's cousin is coming for a conference in town
and would like to have dinner with her on Saturday night...(p. 20 最高危險口說寫作)
Task 6. Animals that live in high altitudes have a
hard time surviving so they have evolved some special features. Some animals
such as the mountain goat have evolved strong muscles... (p. 2最高危險口說寫作)
The dead sea scroll
recorded the locations of certain treasure; however, the dead sea scroll is
A/D? In modern times,
parents will learn more from children than children will learn from parents?
(p. 45最高危險口說寫作 I did this task in
class with everyone!!!!)