2013年11月18日 星期一




Effects of European Industry Development隨著工業的發展rural area也越來越發達了,因為城市裡manufacture工業的發展,許多農民都從rural area 跑到了urban area去打工,一下子從1840年20%的農業人口變成了11%的人口 所以農村裡幹活的收益,因為做的人少了,自然也就提高了,所以farmers可以掙更多的錢了......(p.12高危險閱讀聽力)

1929-1936年的大蕭條 the Great Depression,先是經過20年代後期連續5年的高速發展 (the roaring 20s),股票啥的狂漲300%經濟*,然後從某個園星期四開始狂降,第一階段剛穩定,歐洲開始經濟大衰退,這一環節同樣給美國帶來二次災難。農業沒辦法賣出高價,銀行和金融沒有出路,投資者和零售商都損失慘重。民眾認為政府和胡弗總統 (Hover)有不可推卸的責任......(p.9高危險閱讀聽力)

Turtle navigation海龜hatching,用light,wave,geological congression指方向再講wave的時候說他們不能再clamocean裡。在裡頭的話反而會迷失方向,還有種很強的光線會影響geological congression 是在其他條件無法指引方向下用的。

C1:Student comes to professor’s office to ask about topic for his environmental assignment. He considers between the wind farm and mushroom. The professor said that the former topic is familiar. The latter is interesting and she suggests him come to university greenhouse garden to carry out his research for this assignment.


L2:bird flight vs. bat flight

C2:student ask about art scholarship which she saw near her class and the professor also mentioned but he assume that she asks about international business. After he knows his mistake he explains the reason for that. However, the information of art scholarship is not available.


L4:講一種在高空的雲N開頭的,主要雲裡的crystal不像一般雲是冰,這種雲是CFC之類的化合物,這種物質照射到陽光,會分解成很多氯原子而破壞臭氧層CFCs(chlorofluorocarbons) 這個雲分解出nitric acid 與 water crystal 使得CFCs釋出chlorine, 造成ozone layer的濃度下降。


Task 1 What are the most factors you consider when choosing a university location, size, and cost

Task 2  日常的時光你是喜歡和為數不多的幾個close friends在一起呢?還是和一大群一般的friends一起?

Task 3 Student suggests using the old stadium to park car because people do not use it and students need more space to parking car. The woman disagrees because students often study, relax and get a nap in the stadium. This is an open and nice place for student. Besides that the parking has been never full. The students often give a compliment because they want to park their car near their classes to save time.

Task 4 Trained Incapacity好像說是太專注自己的領域,遇到領域以外的問題就無法解決,L:用cell phone company為例,負責testing的員工,發現盒子裡面沒放user manual,可是想說這是別人要去處理的,所以就放著沒管他,結果客戶買到的cell phone就沒有放user manual,然後客戶就會震怒+抱怨。

Task 5  The woman has to take a requirement history class. Her problem is that she struggle between choose a history class with her favor professor but she have come home late and take another history class which fix to his schedule.

Task 6  Productive Adaptation: Defend: protecting animal from being hurt. Ex: turtle carry a strong shelter. The other is that offend: threatening other animal.


An American company has launched a plan to encourage workers to quit smoking and lose weight. The plan should be effective. The speaker disagrees. (Set 16. p.50 最高危險口說寫作)
Do you A/D?  One can learn much about another person from the books and movies the person likes. (Set 3 p. 45 最高危險口說寫作)

