2013年7月4日 星期四

2013.07.13-14 哈佛預測機經+精華版

烈日當空,準備托福讓你心浮氣躁、煩悶不已嗎? 來試試本周最新的哈佛托福機經+精華版,讓你應考更沉著、更有自信!

2013年7月13-14日哈佛托福機經+菁華版 (2013.7.13-14 Predicted TOEFL Tasks for SE Asia):http://tinyurl.com/lbjoepu

All questions: http://toefl.xdf.cn/201306/9505935.html



1. How would you improve something that you already know how to do? (p. 5 菁華版) (p. 23 新範圍: 口說寫作)

2. A/D? Advertising has too much influence on what people buy. (p. 5 菁華版) (p. 23 新範圍: 口說寫作)

3. The school's radio station should play more music. The man disagrees. (p. 24 新範圍: 口說寫作)

4. Anticipated Regret - Prof and his trip to the airport. (p. 24 新範圍: 口說寫作)

5. The girl's sister and schedule conflict with a concert. (p. 21 新範圍: 口說寫作)

6. Two ways our immune system protects us (anatomical features, mechanical protection). (p. 21 新範圍: 口說寫作)

1. Prescribed burning (p. 48 菁華版) (p. 64 新範圍: 口說寫作)

2. A/D? People would be happier if they had fewer possessions. (p. 13 菁華版) (p. 49 新範圍: 口說寫作)

(More pages numbers are available for the reading and listening sections, will provide them when I find them.)

1. Linguistic Diversification
2. Migration of Animals in North and South America
3. The Milankovitch theory and the Ice Age (p. 10 舊範圍: 閱讀聽力)

1. Brain structure (piano and playing sports)
2. Meteor and the Younger Dryas
3. Service Excellence (Hard and Soft)
4. B-ball team tournament and internship
5. Ethnology and tape recordings (p. 63-64 新範圍: 閱讀聽力)
6. Types of Metamorphosis

1 則留言:

  1. 老師您好 下面的TPO下載連結失效 好像是因為generating too much traffic不知道有什麼解決方法呢謝謝
