2013年8月28日 星期三





2013年8月27日 星期二


2013.08.25 TW set1

Passage 1.是一個跨歐亞非的帝國興衰 (Decline of the Ottoman Empire) 古代地中海附近的一個國家,不斷軍事擴張,變得很繁榮,但隨著版圖擴大,周邊國家的威嚇並且後面幾代君主能力不如以前,這個國家漸漸衰退,還介紹了他的政治制度,雖然君王一個人掌權,但後來產生兩種職位分權,一種是有人對君王進行授權,一種是很有權力女人。隨著國家經濟社會衰敗, 最後提到了一個解決辦法,但為時已晚。

Passage 2.是肺炎雙球菌到發現遺傳物質是DNA 基因的意外發現,科學家做實驗都有某種目的,但往往會有意外發現,全篇說一個科學家透過研究細胞,研發疫苗,發現有S和R兩種細胞,作對比試驗,R菌注入到老鼠體內可使老鼠不死亡S菌住到老鼠體內是死亡的。有科學家認為S可以轉化導致R也變成S後面有對理論的支持與反駁,發現一種細胞可以攜帶依些特點遺傳到下一代,這種遺傳物質轉化因子就是DNA但當時科學界還是很多人認為蛋白質就是影響遺傳的東西,因為他們認為蛋白質組成夠複雜。

Passage 3.是地理隔離導致種化的過程 生物隔離講物種間的isolation通過地理隔離物種間存在差異,先講形成這種地理隔離的原因後面講這種隔離帶來的影響,就是剛開始同一個物種,因為地理原因的相隔,時間久了就會變為兩個不同的物種烈如美國的兩種松鼠,被一個大峽谷分隔,生活環境不一樣,吃的東西就不一樣,就從一個物種變成了兩個,還舉個群島的例子,上面有種鳥,後來演化成13種鳥,還提到物種的隔離還和物種的大小有關係。詞彙virtually, astonishing.

Talk 1 圖書館借書 一個女生去別的大學圖書館借書,但借書證不見,找了很久好像放在自己大學,兩個辦法:一重新辦張證;二版臨時借書證先用,但因為辦證花時間太長了,後來辦臨時借書證。

Talk 2 心理學幼兒 觀察可幫助了解他是怎樣的人價值觀人格等。做了兩個實驗,第一是有三個幾何圖形,上面都貼眼睛,向人似的,有一個要往上爬就是幫忙,還有另外一個就往下踢,看孩子選哪一個,大多選幫助往上爬的。另一個實驗還是這幾個圖形,沒有眼睛,然後孩子就沒有做出選擇了,後判斷人到底好的壞。

Talk 3 天文月亮 講月球,涉及月球土壤的化學成分還有其他的價值。

Talk 4 打工求職推薦信 有個男的去找老師,請他幫忙寫求職推薦信,是家軟件公司,跟他所學相關,結果那個男的說周五就截止了,沒時間拖了,後來老師說這次先幫你寫,下次一定要提前說。

Talk 5 動物微生物 講微生物形成菌落,細菌在物體表面上聚集,大量繁殖形成糖類物質的聚合體,有管道細菌可透過他來移動,拿水中細菌為例,水中的青苔是怎麼形成的,最後細菌會散開,蛀牙也是如此,出了排序題。

 Talk 6 電影表演 講到關於演戲的。說表演的最高境界就是很自然。就已經不像是在表演了,而是自然到本身人就是這樣,教授聚了自己的例子說他以前在中介中心時,被嫌棄說你根本不是在表演,根本就是你自己想怎麼做就怎麼做,後面就講到他後期表現以及他怎樣才能演成角色就是自己的那種感覺。

Task 1 How do you stay healthy/maintain your health? (p. 9菁華版) (p. 27新範圍: 口說寫作)

Task 2 Is that important to learn from ancestry? (p. 5菁華版) (p. 22新範圍: 口說寫作)

Task 3 The school announces that because the school lawn is damaged, it will prohibit the playing of sports on the commons (school lawn).The student agrees because students ruin the grass and flowers by playing soccer on it. Additionally, students who are intended to study there couldn't concentrate because of the noise. Last, there are many other places to play. (P 22新範圍: 口說寫作)

Task 4 問你說一下Listening Reading說啥了,完了好處壞處是啥。
Listening的圖片居然是個亞洲人!!!那個教授說,舉個例子,就是那個考拉,只吃按樹葉,不喝水,隨著澳大利亞的發展,工業和城市的擴大,桉樹的面積逐漸減小,完了考拉小盆友就危險了 (P 27新範圍: 口說寫作)

Task 5 男Mike:我死定了,我本來負責買禮物給某discussion group的人的,是一本書,結果忘了 倆方案:1.多付$25來加快,但要自己掏錢。2.make announcement,改天送,但小組裡的人不能都在場了。 (P 31新範圍: 口說寫作)

Task 6 講小孩子1歲和三歲發展創造力和想像力的,1歲時開始發展創造力了,但是比較弱。三歲的時候就不一樣的,就得到了強烈的發展了,小朋友都坐在籃子裡面把籃子當車模仿開車了。put the bowl on the head to pretend a hat, slightly different shape and size, so weak creativity; Basket=> Blanket (P 4新範圍: 口說寫作)

Integrated Writing (P.68 新範圍: 口說寫作) (p. 43菁華版)
The article discusses whether the largest bird on Earth could fly or not. The reading suggests it can’t for three reasons. The professor feels that it’s possible that the bird flew.
1.The wings are too long and may hit the ground when the bird claps its wing. Content missing: 2.The wing is too long so the muscles cannot effective flap the wing. They can glide like eagles and not necessarily flap their wings.

3.The evolution of flight requires a purpose, but these birds are so big that they do not need to fly to avoid predators. They also do not need to fly in order to hunt. The birds could still fly. They may not have to hunt and could eat carcass, but they still need to be able to fly high to see the carcass.

Independent Writing (P 50新範圍: 口說寫作) (p. 27菁華版)
A/D? Scientists should responsible for negative impacts of their discoveries.  

2013.08.25 TW set2  

Passage 1 埃及選都 (p.9 舊範圍:閱讀聽力)
因為m地很容易控制整個埃及,包括尼羅河的貿易和沙漠中的貿易。古埃及m地選址的好處, 第一段寫地理位置的好,有助於管理是,在尼羅河的三角貿易,第二段寫政治有利於海上貿易,到沖積扇,第三段除以上好處外,此地還有路上貿易好處。

Passage 2 地球年齡的計算 (p.29 新範圍:閱讀聽力)
第一種根據某物質的COOL OFF算到100MIILION年。第二種算多長時間海水變得SALTY算到大約200MILLION年。第三種科技發展可通過測石頭裡的放射物質URANIUM的DECAY來測石頭年齡算到500MILLION。最後一種說有個人找到一塊地球目前歷史最長的石頭是3.75BILLION年後來又說不准因為地球出生不是這十頭的年齡,後說隕石最準,算出4.45BILLION年。

Passage 3 某P地文化
第一段說這因為氣候溫和,自然資源豐富,東邊有天然屏障保護,所以有利於居住,出現穩定社會與小部落,一題提到P主說的mutually unintelligent kanguage,選了相互語言不通。第二段說不同部落之間開始通婚,一題問oblige字彙題。第三段說有個藝術品,是木頭柱子,沒有實際用途,只是一種象徵意義。第四段是藝術品mask把動物和人的特徵結合起來說各部落的不相同,但又有部分共同,很難分辨誰是誰的,因為他們在戰爭和貿易過程中會交換就分不出來了。最後說道mask的用途,不同地位的人帶不一樣的,領導者的mask是用來瞻仰的。  

Talk 1 選課轉專業 (p.22 舊範圍:閱讀聽力)
學生找他的academic advisor, 原本是學電腦美術但現在想找跟野外生物相關的,因為他喜歡跟野生動物接觸,可是academic advisor,說你不好好利用你的專業找個相關工作,你換幹嘛?學生說野生動物才是他真正想要的。後來只好想辦法,可以問問看那一系的教授意見。但轉過去的話可能不能按時畢業,最後academic advisor請學生自己好好想想,多跟這系教授做交流,下周再來找他。

Talk 2 生物動物記憶
大腦裡有兩個控制記憶的區域:1.e-system 2.s-system 後者是學過東西的記憶,required那一類 前者則是經歷過的東西。後來科學家做了調查,說後者是動物跟人都有的,前者只有人有,拿鳥做實驗,在不同時間,給他吃蟲,看最後有沒有記住。

Talk 3 地理

Talk 4 依學生去找老師談論文的事情,說他的教科書不是唯一的資源,舉了一個例子生產鉛筆,利潤變大,下周二請一位教授來演講,本來要去接的學生有事,請他代替去接。

Task 1 Describe a time when your friend did something that surprised you. (p.4新範圍:口說寫作) (菁華板:p.2)

Task 2 Do you think all high school students should take economic classes? (p.31新範圍:口說寫作) (菁華板:p.10)

Task 3 The school has made a new requirement asking students to attend art performances for at least twice every semester. Previously they were only required to attend one. Students are also required to write a paper about it. In the conversation, the boy disagrees with this new requirement.

Task 4 over confidence effect 指經過一段努力為了達成特別目標,雖然結果不如預期,但是得到意外好結果教授舉例他兒子以前想要去一間報社工作因為這工作很競爭,所以他努力把成績顧好還拿到很不錯的推薦信,最後雖然他沒有上,但是因為他的成績好,最後有很好工作 (p.22新範圍:口說寫作)

Task 5 The man's problem is that the interview they plan for the magazine cannot be done before the printing date. S1. The man could ask John along with his classmates to write some poems.

Task 6 公司在放廣告前會做兩種test: 1. concept testing。給一群人說說自己的兩個廣告設想,第一類是找兩組人看完廣告後做調查,比如牙膏公司會詢問人們注重美白效果還是注重牙膏的味道;2. coping testing。第二類是兩個版本廣告同時播出,然後採取電話採訪方式調查群眾回應,看大家對哪支廣告印象最深刻,之後再做修改廣告細節。 (p.31 新範圍:口說寫作)  

Integrated Writing
The Authenticity of the Laocoön Sculpture by Michelangelo
RT: A sculpture, Laocoön, have always been considered an antique, but it was later discovered that Michelangelo forged it/
R1: He has forged statues in the past so he probably did this one as well.
R2: He drew many painting similar to this work.
R3: He forged the sculpture out of financial motivation.
LT: R is doubtful
L1: Michelangelo only engaged in forgery during the early beginnings of his career. He was young then and he needed to create a statue to prove his talent by winning everyone’s recognition. After he forged the older statue, he had no need to forge another one.
L2: Although is drawing and paintings are similar to the statue in some regards, there are also differences: the figure in the drawing is holding his left, while the one in the statue is holding his right; one in the drawing has a straight torso while the other had a twisted torso. These similarities are coincidences.
L3: It was too risky for Michelangelo to engage in these practices. The people who purchased his works are royalties (kings, queens). If they were to find out that they bought forged statues, he would lose all his customers and see his career destroyed. (p. 20菁華版) (p.18 舊範圍:口說寫作)

Independent Writing
A/D? It is not important for family members to eat dinner together nowadays.


Passage 1.
Trade between Europeans between Indians. 有一篇是關於印第安人和歐洲移民的貿易的

Passage 2.
National Park west of America, 有一篇是關於美國西部的National Park的

Passage 3.
還有一篇是biology Marine animal Heat loss  

Talk 1 一篇講【同學到book store manager那邊買秋季學期的書,然後不能買還是什麼的】(p.91新範圍:閱讀聽力)

Talk 2 是講【兩個科學家同時發現一個原理】, 有一個是講大陸漂移的發現。老師先舉了牛頓的一個學說和達爾文進化論的例,說如果兩個人同時發現只有一個人會有credits;之後切入正題關於大陸漂移說:首先是一個製作地圖的人發現可能大陸本來是一個整體的,後來分開了。一個科學家認為大陸漂移是因為commet撞地球,還提到了月亮,但忘了是怎麼回事了(這裡有雙選題);另一個是一個植物學家,他發現各個大洲都有熱帶植物的化石。後來他的理論得到了認可,但是當時地質學家都不信他,質疑他一個植物學家算那盤菜。(此處出題)

Talk 3 有一個生態平衡是怎麼被破壞的。 先略講了有氣候啊什麼的。後來說exoic物種侵襲。先說如果在一個草原獅子如果全沒了,那斑馬會怎麼樣(此處有題,廢話,斑馬數量當然會增加。。)後來主要講澳洲,因為它isolation,所以比較明顯(有題)。先說澳洲從歐洲運來的牲口變成野馬了,和野生動物搶草吃。後來就蹦出來一隻特噁心的癩蛤蟆!!!!!據說從南美運到澳洲的,本來是想給莊稼除蟲,後來這青蛙把莊稼都吃光了。。這青蛙能生,還沒啥天敵,於是變成害蟲了。這裡有重聽,答案應該是ironic 反作用。

Talk 4 autogenetic succession。a change of the ecosystem brought in by the organisms themselves就是某生態環境可能因為當地植物而改變,從而變得適合另一種生物成長而取代原先的植物。ex. 某地sunny and dry, 適合 pine trees,所以形成了一片松樹林,松樹林的落葉覆蓋土壤,樹林遮蔽陽光,某地就變的wet and shady了,適合橡樹生長,很多年後,這片樹林大部分都是橡樹了

Talk 5 有一個是埃及和羅馬文化的互相影響。講了一個叫f的settlement,埃及和羅馬人住在一起,因為埃及以前屬於羅馬帝國。後來出來一幅畫。一個女人,穿的戴的都是羅馬的,但是長著一張埃及人的臉。還講了埃及的面具什麼的影響羅馬人的墓地擺設啊什麼的。

Talk 6 講【airplane的發明,達芬奇把翅膀綁在手上扑騰的】  

1. Which is the most difficult among the following jobs: government leader/public servant, doctor, police officer? (p. 6 菁華版) (p. 9 舊範圍: 口說寫作)

2. Do you prefer to do indoor activities or outdoor activities in your free time/vacation? (p. 2 菁華版's question was similar) (p. 4 新範圍: 口說寫作)

3. 學校準備把一些學生作品貼到dormitory的牆上: 1. there are many unused walls; 2. display the art work let others to see 女生同意,她說她們很多作品沒有機會展示,都浪費啦。而且對所有人都很好,因為大家可以欣賞藝術。(p. 28 新範圍: 口說寫作)

4. Availability Error D: People experience an event which made great impression on them. Although there is evidence that it won't happen again, people still believe it'll happen again. E: The prof. talks about his own experience. Years ago, he and his wife went for a trip in an island. Unluckily, it rained all day, so they had no chance to explore the beach. Since then, whenever they plan to travel, her wife never wants to go to the island again, even though the prof. has checked that it doesn't rain there so often. (p. 10 舊範圍: 口說寫作)

5. 講的是個女生把藝術史課筆記落火車上了,這週五就考試了。完了教授已經講過一次複習要點了,都在筆記上,丟了可毀了。男的說,你去借吧,女的說他舍友有,可以複印,但是吧,嫌她舍友的筆記不好認 (p. 33 新範圍: 口說寫作 )

6. It is difficult to grow crops on a hilly land because of soil erosion and people have to keep soil in place. Farmers can use two ways to prevent soil erosion. First, farmers can use strip farming to help prevent water and soil loss. The can plant crops that can be harvested at different times of the year simultaneously in alternating row (wheat and corn). One of the plants will always hold the soil together when the other is harvested. The other is to create rigs (or run rigs) when farmers plow. Farmers will follow along the contour of the land when they plow and not up and down. When the rain comes, the rigs will hold the water like a dam and prevent soil erosion. (p. 26 舊範圍: 口說寫作)

1.Dog domestication
R1. wolf是dog的一種近親family。
R2.狗的domestication involve with breeding for generations。
R3.14000年前的grave sites就有狗和人類bury在一起。
L1.不是,因為wolf一旦old一些,就很aggressive。一種wild dog in the Asia比較不aggressive,可能這種是狗的ancestor。
L2.不對,狗的domestication是natural selection,因為原來人類遷移會留下很多free food。那些狗closer to較容易獲得食物,然後能夠survive,所以是自然進化的。
L3.14000年不準確,可能更earlier。另外,人類是直到settled in village才bury。 (p. 26 菁華版) ( p. 61 舊範圍: 口說寫作)

2. Do you agree with the following statement: it is important to have a dress code/specific clothing style in school or work.

2013年8月22日 星期四

2013.8.24-25 哈佛機經預測完整版+菁華版



2013年8月18日 星期日

2013.8.17 機經

R1: Ecosystem 有兩種方式primary即生長在荒蕪地區之前沒其他種類 secondary生長在之前有其他種類生長的地方其它記不清了Primary plants and secondary plants, soil.

R2: 關於土壤形成在什麼形成之前土壤是必須品提供營養有一種孢子用風傳播到赤裸石頭上例如lichen 然後生根發芽把土裡的石頭用根弄碎有利於土壤生長還有植物有早期中期後期變化有規律除非自然災害和人類影響Upper paleontology, the origin of human creativity of tools.

R3: 人類活動和非人類活動人類活動例如藝術品和建房子非活動例如水流沖流火山灰毀滅城市The effect on the past human relics caused by natural effect and cultural effect.

Conversation 1
同學去問生物老師為什麼葉子會落下來?這個問題是學生register wildlife program 那一小男生參加了一什麼活動和生物有關,被問了一問題:“為什麼樹葉會變色,當它們落下的時候?”小男生被問住了,回來找教授。小男生開始只是以為樹葉死了所以變色,以為樹不active的呢,老師說,that’s a popular idea(這裡有題)。教授說其實是一種激素作用導致的。然後老師給它解釋說葉子會分泌一種荷爾蒙,這會使它脫落樹幹。之後老師又問他,要不要make concentration on biology next semester? The student says he hasn’t decided yet.之後老師告訴她下週三有個science breakfast 所有science building professor 都回去,讓它來參加,然後學說,啊?我們advisor都沒提啊。Professor說我們應該make announcement early this semester that students will know and not forget it.

Lecture 1:
The development of technology using on art (lens)

Lecture 2:
global dimming先跟global warming 類比了一下,但GD會導致溫度降低,是由大氣還有space中的小顆粒引起的,因為小顆粒可以把光反射回去。而小顆粒是由自然和人為因素造成的如火山灰,燃燒什麼東西。還提到a打頭的關鍵字會影響cloud的多少。

Conversation 2

Lecture 3:
經濟學 - 說的是手工業的發展,先是資源導向型(在工業革命時期)由煤和鐵制約了city發展的位置。後來成為市場導向型的了,有市場的位置決定。老師讓舉例,一男生說了一特不靠譜的泳衣,老師解釋想泳衣這種輕便的東西不需要就近生產。學生又說了rice老師說這個例子很好!然後老師講了一種不需要就地生產的東西,如珠寶本身就比較貴所以價格了就已經包括了運費

Lecture 4:生物-動物
一種大魚,既能生活在淡水,又能生活在咸水。有一個特殊的現象就是他們會在holding area就是很長的河裡,不斷躍出水面。老師問原因是什麼?女生說是為了mating老師說不對,又說是為了捕食,也不對。好像魚在這是時候就不吃東西了。最後教授說是為了交流,於其它的魚互相定位,確定路線之類的。 _


1.      Which ability do you admire most1. Athletic skills 2. Language skills 3. Artistic skills (correct) 菁華版 p. 8, #33新範圍: 口說寫作 p. 33

2.      How do you celebrate birthdays or holidays? With many people or in a quiet place? 菁華版 p. 7, #20新範圍: 口說寫作 p. 27

3.      圖書館應該在期末考試期間24hr開放,圖書館是唯一期末考試不延長開放的,費用問題可以解決,男生不同意,不能鼓勵熬夜,很多學生需要圖書館,不能收費.

4.      False-cause error 一個人在考慮自己做錯事是由於什麼原因的時候,往往忽略掉第一件事,而認為原因是由於第二件。教授用自己舉例:他有一輛破車,然後有一天開車出去發現車開始funny noisy,然後他開始回憶為什麼會這樣,他想到兩天前把車借給一個朋友了,雖然那朋友開車很小心,但是他覺得是他朋友給弄壞的,事實上,他的車已經開夠里程了,本來就是壞的。

5.     A female student needs to turn in a portrait next week so she chose her roommate as her model. However, she has not completed the portrait and her roommate had to leave school because of an emergency. She has two choices. S1: To explain to the professor and ask him to delay the deadline for one week. The professor will agree but she has to study for a biology exam next week. S2: To find other people to be models. However, this weekend is Parents Week so most students are busy with their parents. Thus, it will be difficult for them to find the model.

6. Isolating Parenting (uncertain of the exact term) – A way of parenting in which mammals only check on their young once/a few times a day. There are two benefits.
P1: To avoid attracting predators' attention by lessening the time of checking on their babies. E.g. Deer will hide their babies under high grass and only check once a day.
P2: Only leave enough nutrition for one meal a day. Offspring will only feed once, efficient. E.g. rabbit/rat milk (second point is unclear).

Task 1. 科學家開始關注animal play這個phenomenon,為瞭解釋這個phenomenon,教授列舉了3theory 教授用三個例子來分別反駁上述三個theory  

Task 2.  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for schools to fund their students’ social activities than to improve students’ meals.