2013.08.25 TW set1
Passage 1.是一個跨歐亞非的帝國興衰 (Decline of the Ottoman Empire)
Passage 2.是肺炎雙球菌到發現遺傳物質是DNA
Passage 3.是地理隔離導致種化的過程
生物隔離講物種間的isolation通過地理隔離物種間存在差異,先講形成這種地理隔離的原因後面講這種隔離帶來的影響,就是剛開始同一個物種,因為地理原因的相隔,時間久了就會變為兩個不同的物種烈如美國的兩種松鼠,被一個大峽谷分隔,生活環境不一樣,吃的東西就不一樣,就從一個物種變成了兩個,還舉個群島的例子,上面有種鳥,後來演化成13種鳥,還提到物種的隔離還和物種的大小有關係。詞彙virtually, astonishing.
Talk 1 圖書館借書
Talk 2 心理學幼兒
Talk 3 天文月亮
Talk 4 打工求職推薦信
Talk 5 動物微生物
Talk 6 電影表演
Task 1 How do you stay healthy/maintain your health? (p. 9菁華版) (p. 27新範圍: 口說寫作)
Task 2 Is that important to learn from ancestry? (p. 5菁華版) (p. 22新範圍: 口說寫作)
Task 3 The school announces that because the school lawn is damaged, it will prohibit the playing of sports on the commons (school lawn).The student agrees because students ruin the grass and flowers by playing soccer on it. Additionally, students who are intended to study there couldn't concentrate because of the noise. Last, there are many other places to play. (P 22新範圍: 口說寫作)
Task 4 問你說一下Listening Reading說啥了,完了好處壞處是啥。
Listening的圖片居然是個亞洲人!!!那個教授說,舉個例子,就是那個考拉,只吃按樹葉,不喝水,隨著澳大利亞的發展,工業和城市的擴大,桉樹的面積逐漸減小,完了考拉小盆友就危險了 (P 27新範圍: 口說寫作)
Task 5 男Mike:我死定了,我本來負責買禮物給某discussion group的人的,是一本書,結果忘了
倆方案:1.多付$25來加快,但要自己掏錢。2.make announcement,改天送,但小組裡的人不能都在場了。 (P 31新範圍: 口說寫作)
Task 6 講小孩子1歲和三歲發展創造力和想像力的,1歲時開始發展創造力了,但是比較弱。三歲的時候就不一樣的,就得到了強烈的發展了,小朋友都坐在籃子裡面把籃子當車模仿開車了。put the bowl on the head to pretend a hat, slightly different shape and size, so weak creativity; Basket=> Blanket (P 4新範圍: 口說寫作)
Integrated Writing
(P.68 新範圍: 口說寫作) (p. 43菁華版)
The article discusses whether the largest bird on Earth could fly or not. The reading suggests it can’t for three reasons. The professor feels that it’s possible that the bird flew.
1.The wings are too long and may hit the ground when the bird claps its wing. Content missing:
2.The wing is too long so the muscles cannot effective flap the wing. They can glide like eagles and not necessarily flap their wings.
3.The evolution of flight requires a purpose, but these birds are so big that they do not need to fly to avoid predators. They also do not need to fly in order to hunt. The birds could still fly. They may not have to hunt and could eat carcass, but they still need to be able to fly high to see the carcass.
Independent Writing (P 50新範圍: 口說寫作) (p. 27菁華版)
A/D? Scientists should responsible for negative impacts of their discoveries.
2013.08.25 TW set2
Passage 1 埃及選都 (p.9 舊範圍:閱讀聽力)
Passage 2 地球年齡的計算 (p.29 新範圍:閱讀聽力)
第一種根據某物質的COOL OFF算到100MIILION年。第二種算多長時間海水變得SALTY算到大約200MILLION年。第三種科技發展可通過測石頭裡的放射物質URANIUM的DECAY來測石頭年齡算到500MILLION。最後一種說有個人找到一塊地球目前歷史最長的石頭是3.75BILLION年後來又說不准因為地球出生不是這十頭的年齡,後說隕石最準,算出4.45BILLION年。
Passage 3 某P地文化
第一段說這因為氣候溫和,自然資源豐富,東邊有天然屏障保護,所以有利於居住,出現穩定社會與小部落,一題提到P主說的mutually unintelligent kanguage,選了相互語言不通。第二段說不同部落之間開始通婚,一題問oblige字彙題。第三段說有個藝術品,是木頭柱子,沒有實際用途,只是一種象徵意義。第四段是藝術品mask把動物和人的特徵結合起來說各部落的不相同,但又有部分共同,很難分辨誰是誰的,因為他們在戰爭和貿易過程中會交換就分不出來了。最後說道mask的用途,不同地位的人帶不一樣的,領導者的mask是用來瞻仰的。
Talk 1 選課轉專業 (p.22 舊範圍:閱讀聽力)
學生找他的academic advisor, 原本是學電腦美術但現在想找跟野外生物相關的,因為他喜歡跟野生動物接觸,可是academic advisor,說你不好好利用你的專業找個相關工作,你換幹嘛?學生說野生動物才是他真正想要的。後來只好想辦法,可以問問看那一系的教授意見。但轉過去的話可能不能按時畢業,最後academic advisor請學生自己好好想想,多跟這系教授做交流,下周再來找他。
Talk 2 生物動物記憶
大腦裡有兩個控制記憶的區域:1.e-system 2.s-system 後者是學過東西的記憶,required那一類 前者則是經歷過的東西。後來科學家做了調查,說後者是動物跟人都有的,前者只有人有,拿鳥做實驗,在不同時間,給他吃蟲,看最後有沒有記住。
Talk 3 地理
Talk 4 依學生去找老師談論文的事情,說他的教科書不是唯一的資源,舉了一個例子生產鉛筆,利潤變大,下周二請一位教授來演講,本來要去接的學生有事,請他代替去接。
Task 1 Describe a time when your friend did something that surprised you. (p.4新範圍:口說寫作) (菁華板:p.2)
Task 2 Do you think all high school students should take economic classes? (p.31新範圍:口說寫作) (菁華板:p.10)
Task 3 The school has made a new requirement asking students to attend art performances for at least twice every semester. Previously they were only required to attend one. Students are also required to write a paper about it. In the conversation, the boy disagrees with this new requirement.
Task 4 over confidence effect
指經過一段努力為了達成特別目標,雖然結果不如預期,但是得到意外好結果教授舉例他兒子以前想要去一間報社工作因為這工作很競爭,所以他努力把成績顧好還拿到很不錯的推薦信,最後雖然他沒有上,但是因為他的成績好,最後有很好工作 (p.22新範圍:口說寫作)
Task 5 The man's problem is that the interview they plan for the magazine cannot be done before the printing date. S1. The man could ask John along with his classmates to write some poems.
Task 6 公司在放廣告前會做兩種test: 1. concept testing。給一群人說說自己的兩個廣告設想,第一類是找兩組人看完廣告後做調查,比如牙膏公司會詢問人們注重美白效果還是注重牙膏的味道;2. coping testing。第二類是兩個版本廣告同時播出,然後採取電話採訪方式調查群眾回應,看大家對哪支廣告印象最深刻,之後再做修改廣告細節。 (p.31 新範圍:口說寫作)
Integrated Writing
The Authenticity of the Laocoön Sculpture by Michelangelo
RT: A sculpture, Laocoön, have always been considered an antique, but it was later discovered that Michelangelo forged it/
R1: He has forged statues in the past so he probably did this one as well.
R2: He drew many painting similar to this work.
R3: He forged the sculpture out of financial motivation.
LT: R is doubtful
L1: Michelangelo only engaged in forgery during the early beginnings of his career. He was young then and he needed to create a statue to prove his talent by winning everyone’s recognition. After he forged the older statue, he had no need to forge another one.
L2: Although is drawing and paintings are similar to the statue in some regards, there are also differences: the figure in the drawing is holding his left, while the one in the statue is holding his right; one in the drawing has a straight torso while the other had a twisted torso. These similarities are coincidences.
L3: It was too risky for Michelangelo to engage in these practices. The people who purchased his works are royalties (kings, queens). If they were to find out that they bought forged statues, he would lose all his customers and see his career destroyed.
(p. 20菁華版) (p.18 舊範圍:口說寫作)
Independent Writing
A/D? It is not important for family members to eat dinner together nowadays.