2013年8月18日 星期日

2013.8.17 機經

R1: Ecosystem 有兩種方式primary即生長在荒蕪地區之前沒其他種類 secondary生長在之前有其他種類生長的地方其它記不清了Primary plants and secondary plants, soil.

R2: 關於土壤形成在什麼形成之前土壤是必須品提供營養有一種孢子用風傳播到赤裸石頭上例如lichen 然後生根發芽把土裡的石頭用根弄碎有利於土壤生長還有植物有早期中期後期變化有規律除非自然災害和人類影響Upper paleontology, the origin of human creativity of tools.

R3: 人類活動和非人類活動人類活動例如藝術品和建房子非活動例如水流沖流火山灰毀滅城市The effect on the past human relics caused by natural effect and cultural effect.

Conversation 1
同學去問生物老師為什麼葉子會落下來?這個問題是學生register wildlife program 那一小男生參加了一什麼活動和生物有關,被問了一問題:“為什麼樹葉會變色,當它們落下的時候?”小男生被問住了,回來找教授。小男生開始只是以為樹葉死了所以變色,以為樹不active的呢,老師說,that’s a popular idea(這裡有題)。教授說其實是一種激素作用導致的。然後老師給它解釋說葉子會分泌一種荷爾蒙,這會使它脫落樹幹。之後老師又問他,要不要make concentration on biology next semester? The student says he hasn’t decided yet.之後老師告訴她下週三有個science breakfast 所有science building professor 都回去,讓它來參加,然後學說,啊?我們advisor都沒提啊。Professor說我們應該make announcement early this semester that students will know and not forget it.

Lecture 1:
The development of technology using on art (lens)

Lecture 2:
global dimming先跟global warming 類比了一下,但GD會導致溫度降低,是由大氣還有space中的小顆粒引起的,因為小顆粒可以把光反射回去。而小顆粒是由自然和人為因素造成的如火山灰,燃燒什麼東西。還提到a打頭的關鍵字會影響cloud的多少。

Conversation 2

Lecture 3:
經濟學 - 說的是手工業的發展,先是資源導向型(在工業革命時期)由煤和鐵制約了city發展的位置。後來成為市場導向型的了,有市場的位置決定。老師讓舉例,一男生說了一特不靠譜的泳衣,老師解釋想泳衣這種輕便的東西不需要就近生產。學生又說了rice老師說這個例子很好!然後老師講了一種不需要就地生產的東西,如珠寶本身就比較貴所以價格了就已經包括了運費

Lecture 4:生物-動物
一種大魚,既能生活在淡水,又能生活在咸水。有一個特殊的現象就是他們會在holding area就是很長的河裡,不斷躍出水面。老師問原因是什麼?女生說是為了mating老師說不對,又說是為了捕食,也不對。好像魚在這是時候就不吃東西了。最後教授說是為了交流,於其它的魚互相定位,確定路線之類的。 _


1.      Which ability do you admire most1. Athletic skills 2. Language skills 3. Artistic skills (correct) 菁華版 p. 8, #33新範圍: 口說寫作 p. 33

2.      How do you celebrate birthdays or holidays? With many people or in a quiet place? 菁華版 p. 7, #20新範圍: 口說寫作 p. 27

3.      圖書館應該在期末考試期間24hr開放,圖書館是唯一期末考試不延長開放的,費用問題可以解決,男生不同意,不能鼓勵熬夜,很多學生需要圖書館,不能收費.

4.      False-cause error 一個人在考慮自己做錯事是由於什麼原因的時候,往往忽略掉第一件事,而認為原因是由於第二件。教授用自己舉例:他有一輛破車,然後有一天開車出去發現車開始funny noisy,然後他開始回憶為什麼會這樣,他想到兩天前把車借給一個朋友了,雖然那朋友開車很小心,但是他覺得是他朋友給弄壞的,事實上,他的車已經開夠里程了,本來就是壞的。

5.     A female student needs to turn in a portrait next week so she chose her roommate as her model. However, she has not completed the portrait and her roommate had to leave school because of an emergency. She has two choices. S1: To explain to the professor and ask him to delay the deadline for one week. The professor will agree but she has to study for a biology exam next week. S2: To find other people to be models. However, this weekend is Parents Week so most students are busy with their parents. Thus, it will be difficult for them to find the model.

6. Isolating Parenting (uncertain of the exact term) – A way of parenting in which mammals only check on their young once/a few times a day. There are two benefits.
P1: To avoid attracting predators' attention by lessening the time of checking on their babies. E.g. Deer will hide their babies under high grass and only check once a day.
P2: Only leave enough nutrition for one meal a day. Offspring will only feed once, efficient. E.g. rabbit/rat milk (second point is unclear).

Task 1. 科學家開始關注animal play這個phenomenon,為瞭解釋這個phenomenon,教授列舉了3theory 教授用三個例子來分別反駁上述三個theory  

Task 2.  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for schools to fund their students’ social activities than to improve students’ meals.  

