2013年8月27日 星期二


Passage 1.
Trade between Europeans between Indians. 有一篇是關於印第安人和歐洲移民的貿易的

Passage 2.
National Park west of America, 有一篇是關於美國西部的National Park的

Passage 3.
還有一篇是biology Marine animal Heat loss  

Talk 1 一篇講【同學到book store manager那邊買秋季學期的書,然後不能買還是什麼的】(p.91新範圍:閱讀聽力)

Talk 2 是講【兩個科學家同時發現一個原理】, 有一個是講大陸漂移的發現。老師先舉了牛頓的一個學說和達爾文進化論的例,說如果兩個人同時發現只有一個人會有credits;之後切入正題關於大陸漂移說:首先是一個製作地圖的人發現可能大陸本來是一個整體的,後來分開了。一個科學家認為大陸漂移是因為commet撞地球,還提到了月亮,但忘了是怎麼回事了(這裡有雙選題);另一個是一個植物學家,他發現各個大洲都有熱帶植物的化石。後來他的理論得到了認可,但是當時地質學家都不信他,質疑他一個植物學家算那盤菜。(此處出題)

Talk 3 有一個生態平衡是怎麼被破壞的。 先略講了有氣候啊什麼的。後來說exoic物種侵襲。先說如果在一個草原獅子如果全沒了,那斑馬會怎麼樣(此處有題,廢話,斑馬數量當然會增加。。)後來主要講澳洲,因為它isolation,所以比較明顯(有題)。先說澳洲從歐洲運來的牲口變成野馬了,和野生動物搶草吃。後來就蹦出來一隻特噁心的癩蛤蟆!!!!!據說從南美運到澳洲的,本來是想給莊稼除蟲,後來這青蛙把莊稼都吃光了。。這青蛙能生,還沒啥天敵,於是變成害蟲了。這裡有重聽,答案應該是ironic 反作用。

Talk 4 autogenetic succession。a change of the ecosystem brought in by the organisms themselves就是某生態環境可能因為當地植物而改變,從而變得適合另一種生物成長而取代原先的植物。ex. 某地sunny and dry, 適合 pine trees,所以形成了一片松樹林,松樹林的落葉覆蓋土壤,樹林遮蔽陽光,某地就變的wet and shady了,適合橡樹生長,很多年後,這片樹林大部分都是橡樹了

Talk 5 有一個是埃及和羅馬文化的互相影響。講了一個叫f的settlement,埃及和羅馬人住在一起,因為埃及以前屬於羅馬帝國。後來出來一幅畫。一個女人,穿的戴的都是羅馬的,但是長著一張埃及人的臉。還講了埃及的面具什麼的影響羅馬人的墓地擺設啊什麼的。

Talk 6 講【airplane的發明,達芬奇把翅膀綁在手上扑騰的】  

1. Which is the most difficult among the following jobs: government leader/public servant, doctor, police officer? (p. 6 菁華版) (p. 9 舊範圍: 口說寫作)

2. Do you prefer to do indoor activities or outdoor activities in your free time/vacation? (p. 2 菁華版's question was similar) (p. 4 新範圍: 口說寫作)

3. 學校準備把一些學生作品貼到dormitory的牆上: 1. there are many unused walls; 2. display the art work let others to see 女生同意,她說她們很多作品沒有機會展示,都浪費啦。而且對所有人都很好,因為大家可以欣賞藝術。(p. 28 新範圍: 口說寫作)

4. Availability Error D: People experience an event which made great impression on them. Although there is evidence that it won't happen again, people still believe it'll happen again. E: The prof. talks about his own experience. Years ago, he and his wife went for a trip in an island. Unluckily, it rained all day, so they had no chance to explore the beach. Since then, whenever they plan to travel, her wife never wants to go to the island again, even though the prof. has checked that it doesn't rain there so often. (p. 10 舊範圍: 口說寫作)

5. 講的是個女生把藝術史課筆記落火車上了,這週五就考試了。完了教授已經講過一次複習要點了,都在筆記上,丟了可毀了。男的說,你去借吧,女的說他舍友有,可以複印,但是吧,嫌她舍友的筆記不好認 (p. 33 新範圍: 口說寫作 )

6. It is difficult to grow crops on a hilly land because of soil erosion and people have to keep soil in place. Farmers can use two ways to prevent soil erosion. First, farmers can use strip farming to help prevent water and soil loss. The can plant crops that can be harvested at different times of the year simultaneously in alternating row (wheat and corn). One of the plants will always hold the soil together when the other is harvested. The other is to create rigs (or run rigs) when farmers plow. Farmers will follow along the contour of the land when they plow and not up and down. When the rain comes, the rigs will hold the water like a dam and prevent soil erosion. (p. 26 舊範圍: 口說寫作)

1.Dog domestication
R1. wolf是dog的一種近親family。
R2.狗的domestication involve with breeding for generations。
R3.14000年前的grave sites就有狗和人類bury在一起。
L1.不是,因為wolf一旦old一些,就很aggressive。一種wild dog in the Asia比較不aggressive,可能這種是狗的ancestor。
L2.不對,狗的domestication是natural selection,因為原來人類遷移會留下很多free food。那些狗closer to較容易獲得食物,然後能夠survive,所以是自然進化的。
L3.14000年不準確,可能更earlier。另外,人類是直到settled in village才bury。 (p. 26 菁華版) ( p. 61 舊範圍: 口說寫作)

2. Do you agree with the following statement: it is important to have a dress code/specific clothing style in school or work.

