2013年10月22日 星期二


2013.10.20 TW set1

Passage 1

有關河流sediment。三角洲、glaciers之類的。尼羅河流域 The Nile River - 人們從之前一個沙漠地區移居到尼羅河流域。之前的沙漠地區也是綠草蔥蔥,人們沒有辦法沒有其他的選擇,只能移居到尼羅河流域。於是人們都就移居到了尼羅河附近。尼羅河經常泛濫。那時候他們就暫時移居到附近的綠洲。他們種莊稼,養牲畜。儘管農業是從東方起源的,但是尼羅河附近的農業物種源自非洲南部。Related reading: The Nile is a major north-flowing river in northeastern Africa, generally regarded as the longest river in the world. The Nile is an "international" river as its water resources are shared by ten countries. In particular, the Nile River provides the primary water resource and so it is the life artery for its downstream countries such as Egypt and Sudan. Keywords: delta三角洲, fertile soil肥沃的土壤, riverbank河岸, tributaries支流, flow, empties into匯入, sediment沈積物, deposit使沈澱; 使沈積, headwater河源上游, oasis綠洲, Sahara desert撒哈拉大沙漠, migrate遷移, temporary settlement臨時居點, livestock家畜 (p. 6高危險閱讀聽力)

Passage 2

生物應該是生態類的題目 - 人們都覺得群居動物是演化程度比較高的,因為他們會互相合作,其實這不是絕對的。獨居的動物(solitary animals)也是有他們生存上的優勢,後面繼續說了群居的壞處有兩點:一個是群居動物需要耗費精力爭奪社會階層(Social rank);另外群居也比較容易有傳染病 (transmissible diseases or communicable diseases)。就生物學上的角度來說,生物要耗費精力在處理這些負面影響是演化上不利的條件,像是某種蜜蜂就需要幫蜂蛹加熱説明某種黴菌(fungus)的感染(有題),但是整體上,物種會演化成群居生活一定是整體利益大於那些單身生活不利的條件,反之亦然。舉例一種B魚嘴巴很小,會跟另外一種C魚合作趕走想要吃魚卵的入侵者;相反地,跟B魚同科的D魚則喜歡獨自生活,不喜歡合作,他們有天生得大嘴巴可以趕走入侵者,所以自己生活okKeywords: group animal 群居動物, evolution 進化, cooperation 合作, Solitary animal 獨居動物, cutting edge 優勢, survival 生存的, waste energy 浪費精力, struggle for 爭奪, social rank 社會階層, fungus 真菌, infectious disease 傳染病, tactic=strategy 策略, potential=possible 潛在的, inhibit=decrease 抑制,下降 單字題有 tactic = strategy; potential = possible; objection = arguments in opposition; inhibit = prevent; assorted = various; oversaw = supervised; decisive=determine (p. 20高危險閱讀聽力)

Passage 3

講的是昆蟲生存的adption。第一,可以飛,這樣環境(habitat)不好了隨時遷走(題,fly的好處)。第二,小,吃的少,佔用的空 間少。第三,翅膀特殊材質(那網球拍材質作類比,題),防水,同時防止水分流失,因為它們的appearance相對於volumelittle animal大,蒸發大(題)。第四,變態發育,四個階段兩個inactive就不吃了(egg, p階段)另兩個階段吃的不一樣(larva adult),這樣解決了食物的問題。(p. 11 高危險閱讀聽力)


              C1: The university is hiring a college professor.
              C2: The student broke a school dormitory rule and is fined.
              L1: Earth Science
              L2: Business Management
              L3: Theater Study
              L4: Biology Lecture


Task 1
Who do you prefer to talk to in your family? (Set 3 p. 3最高危險口說寫作)

Task 2
is it more enjoyable to participate in an activity or watch others play?你願意參與sports,還是看別人play  (p. 2最高危險口說寫作 Set 1)

Task 3
【學校通知】:學校university要加offer一個new 舞蹈課dancing classnoncredit,第一節課free試聽。【學生議論】:女生很贊成。理由1:有興趣fun, 她以前的很多exercise自己練沒能堅持hard work最後都drop out了,這個每週按時和大家一起鍛煉身體,很不錯。理由21st free,可以知道課程好不好再做決定,就算去上了一節不滿意的話也不會浪費錢,免得選了又不喜歡。(p. 3最高危險口說寫作 Set 3)

Task 4
記得是natural passage way: a solution to connect the lands to compensate the damage caused by human activity 聽力: 給了一個one place in Canada, people built up a highway and divided the forest into two parts; thus, bears have less food. The food seems to decease half. Scientists propose to build a bridge connecting the two small forests and put the soil, trees on the bridge. Then the bridge looks like a natural passage way, and bears can come across to another part and find food to survive. (p. 2最高危險口說寫作 Set 1)
Task 5
【學生困難】:男生說他是一個club manager,為了今晚在town hall的音樂會concert 要從student center 搬運move一堆器材equipment, 朋友答應了借車子,但朋友電話來說車truck突然壞路上了。【解決方案】:他自己說有兩個辦法:1、讓志願者來幫忙搬東西,不過不是他們原先說好的職責,雖然只有幾個block,但是怕累著了。2、去學校rent a van,這樣volunteer只需搬上下車,不過van很貴,而且他還不知道能不能報銷。(p. 3最高危險口說寫作 Set 3)

Task 6
經濟學對Utility的闡釋,分成兩個部分:utility form & utility of place Utility form means the product in the feature that the customers need. Eg the winter coat should be seemed as made of fabric materials and could make people warm and keep the rain. Utility of the place means the product should be at the place customers need it . Eg winter coat in Alaska is needed as the winter there is cold; but on a tropic island, the winter is not very cool, less people need it.(p. 3最高危險口說寫作 Set 3)

Integrated Writing
Both the lecturer and the reading discuss if people lived in the Amazon Basin or not. The reading claims that there is no evidence to support the idea that a large human settlement was in the Amazon Basin. In contrast, the lecturer states that new discoveries challenge the reading’s perspectives.

Independent Writing
Do you A/D? It is better to shop in a shopping center where you can buy all types of products that you need than small stores to purchase these different items. Set 2 (p. 40最高危險口說寫作)

2013.10.20 TW set2  

Passage 1
Faint Young Sun Paradox - The faint young Sun paradox or problem describes the apparent contradiction between observations of liquid water early in the Earth's history and the astrophysical expectation that the Sun's output would be only 70% as intense during that epoch as it is during the modern epoch. Explanations of this paradox have taken into account greenhouse effects, astrophysical influences, or a combination of the two. 太陽現在的光線比以前強,很久以後也會比現在強。大家會認為很久以前因為太陽光線沒有現在強所以地球會更冷,其實是不對的。然後說為什麼會不對呢?因為地球會自我調節,主要是植被等自身系統的調節,類似greenhouse,抓住射進來的陽光讓它不跑出去。後面還說了生物也可以調節氣候。Keywords: astrophysical天體物理, contradiction矛盾; 反駁, paradox矛盾, greenhouse effect溫室效應, epoch 時代, regulation調節 (p.54 高危險閱讀聽力)

Passage 2

Passage 3

C1某女生找老師談話,她想改project研究方向。夏天去某native American reservationintern,因此對其文化感興趣,打算學他們的語言。老師問說不是project已經做了NE教育的課題,該女執意改方向;老 師認為不該做大改動,建議做該 native American education的課題,老師要check是否她的必修課有修完,女生要將該native American culturelanguageselective. 女生去studio art 見某主管,瞭解某種古典作畫方式;她個人喜愛的現代畫家JJ也是用這種畫法,她打算在project的最前面幾分鐘illustrate這個畫法,詢問主管可否指導;主管有一個好朋友正好來校,客座講一堂關於該畫法的可,歡迎該女生來聽。 (p.70 高危險閱讀聽力)


L1:環境科學,講海水的鹽度,學生提出赤道附近鹽度應該更高因為總被蒸發,但是老師說那同時降水也多,海水的鹽度保持穩定,江河湖都不斷排放各種物質到海裡,為什麼海水鹽度還不變呢,因為海底有高溫的裂口,會讓鹽度變低。而且多出的鹽會形成一種東西,關於這個問題有兩種說法,1.形成一個 layer,但教授不同意,因為會擋住噴出熱水,2.多出的鹽都在海底的洞裡,海底就像海綿,教授比較同意此說法。

L2:文學講座結合物理學的知識,牛頓 (Newton) 對詩人的影響,以前光對應darkness,現在因為他的論光學,發現光可以分解出顏色,而且這破書拿英語而不是神馬拉丁文寫的,而且這書誰都看得懂,不是科學體,影響了詩人的創作。雖然藝術和科學表面不同,但是目的一樣,都為了探索生命,浪漫主義詩人反對這觀點,因為他們認為科學無法解釋清楚生命的構成。(p.90 高危險閱讀聽力)

L3 生態學,講生物多樣性,若有較強悍的物種會對生態造成影響,有兩種形式,第一種似beaver可通過修建dam來增加濕地,形成了diversity.還有一種是間接的,是predatory。學生質疑老師舉例說狼太少,獵物鹿就會大量增加,吃掉很多植物,導致靠植物維生的動物比如某種熊滅絕。還有一種breakpoint來做為臨界點,但是最佳密度很難定義,因為還受其他因素影響,如冬天天氣

L4 考古學,講動物多樣性來判斷時間。例子:樹籬笆

Task 1

講的是你的朋友決定在進入大學之前離開校園去工作一年。談談利弊 (2013.09.29CN)

Task 2

A/D? Students should participate involve in extracurricular activities (such as sports). (p.3 最高危險口說寫作)

Task 3

The university will ban laptops/notebooks in the class. R1: It may distract others from studying. R2: Notes can be written down with pens and papers, laptops aren’t needed. The student disagrees. SR1: The students are grownups and should be able to concentrate even with distraction. It is a lesson they have to learn for their future. SR2: Typing is a lot faster than writing, so laptops/NB will make taking notes easier. (p.36 最高危險口說寫作)

Task 4

Agnostic behavior – When animals display aggression to others in order to compete for resources. The lecturer talks about snakes. When two species of the same animals fight for shelter (hole) and food, they will push each other, but will not injure or bite one another. In fact, one will release the other while it moves into the hole. (p.4 最高危險口說寫作)
Task 5

The girl wants to hold a party/gathering to celebrate because her friend, Jenny, won an award for her paper. However, the heater of the apartment is broken so the house is cold. There are two solutions. The first solution is to have the gathering at an Italian restaurant, but this may cost too much, The second solution is to tell everyone to wear more clothes but this is silly and could be uncomfortable. (p.4 最高危險口說寫作)

Task 6

The strategies and abilities of a sales person. There are two strategies to help convince customers. For example, a salesperson in a electronics store will promote laptops and introduce its special features. For example, how much work can be done on it in a short time. The second strategy is to demonstrate the usefulness of a product in front of the customer. For example, to show that it (the laptop) is easy to carry. (p.4 最高危險口說寫作)

Integrated Writing 

Algae as a Fuel Source (p.58 最高危險口說寫作)

RT: algae can be used as fuel but has 3 disadvantages.

R1: The planting of algae will take up too much water and land (resources). The land can’t be used to plant food = waste

R2: The equipment needed to cultivate/plant and extract algae is expensive.

R3: Algae can only grow with high concentration of CO2. The growth of algae will release large amt of algae into the atmosphere (pollution)

LT: algae as a fuel source is applicable

L1: algae can grow in infertile soil and dirty water so it won’t waste soil and water needed for agriculture.

L2: algae grow quickly, and can be harvested and re-grown in weeks, unlike corn which can only be planted/harvested twice a year. The extra profit will allow farmers to make up for the cost in equipment.

L3: Since factories release a lot of CO2, it would be wise to plant algae on it. This will also reduce CO2 emission and pollution.

Independent Writing

Do you A/D? Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to music. Do these activities have negative effects on students? 學生可以使用自己的手機在上網,或聽音樂。這些活動會對學生有負面影響?

