2013年9月10日 星期二


Passage 1.
英國18世紀的經濟體制,皇家海軍的崛起和海上交通的控制,殖民地得到raw material和擴展market,貿易保護主義,對woolen product以外的silk等進行徵收高關稅。
(p. 24 新範圍: 閱讀聽力)

Passage 2. Frog Mating Calls
蛙叫的一系列原因,主要是求偶。關於青蛙通過叫聲求偶,還有母青蛙如何通過公青蛙叫聲的強度等因素來判斷這個公蛙身體健不健康,是不是同一種類的等等。 Keywords: mating交配, selection選擇, frequency頻率, territory領土, vigorous充滿活力, dominant主導地位
(p. 12-13
新範圍: 閱讀聽力)

Passage 3.
講的是美洲印第安人Navajo Art,主要是講sand painting的過程,儀式的起源,意義,最後提到了另一個art形式女人的weaving. (p. 20新範圍: 閱讀聽力)

Talk 1 
講的是一個女學生在暑假的一次實踐後突然對一個地方 (Navajo reservation)。什麼的文化產生了興趣,但又不想換 sociology的專業,所以來找教授,教授就對她進行引導,引導她怎麼把那個地方的研究和自己的專業結合。有兩個地方要注意,第一,這個女孩關於暑期 實踐的看法;第二,為什麼這個女孩要提到她的朋友。這兩個問題我都沒有聽出來。

Talk 2 

Talk 3 

Talk 4 
【生命科學-動物學-蝙蝠進化】要點:1,蝙蝠演化. 以前有一種蝙蝠叫 Incaxxx 跟現在的蝙蝠長很像, 沒什麼不,一樣, 可是只有食指(index finger)有一個突起,可以爬樹。 舉例,比如跟sloth 一樣,有題問,教授為什麼提到sloth. 2,現在的蝙蝠五根手指都有這種結構(?) 另外有一種Onyxxx 蝙蝠可以能是演化中間物種 (transition). 但是他有個特別之處,想出來了,但很明顯用強調的語調說出的很容易聽出來。(p. 49 新範圍: 閱讀聽力)

Talk 5 
關於marketing target的,首先要先對production下定義。舉例:table的定義。 男生說:flat surface,方的,4 legs 教授給出3張圖片,前兩張是1 leg的圓桌子。男生改口說:那就是flat surface。之後教授又讓他看第三幅圖,儘管是flat surface,但是椅子。 (p. 28 新範圍: 閱讀聽力)

Talk 6 
講的是glacial age 中間的interval,講的是冰河紀和中間的間隙會交替到來。這時候就有學生問了,可是現在global warming,會不會就不會按這個規律交替了?教授就回答了她的問題。

Task 1  
Describe a subject that you do not find interesting (or difficult) but is important. Why is it important? (p. 8 菁華版) (p. 38 新範圍: 口說寫作)

Task 2 
Do you A/D? It is a waste of time for students to take courses outside their majors/fields? Explain your answer in details. (2010926托福口語機經練習)

Task 3 
The school announces that it will provide freshman in Biology department group study. The students can have the best equipment and improve academic study. In addition, they can meet and make new friends. However, in the conversation, the girl said the study group sort of thing does not help. Reason1: People have their own way to study, except those who don’t know how to study. So she prefers to work alone. Reason 2: She thinks that if people are in the same department, they will have class together, so they eventually will meet each other. Thus, you don’t really need to go to the study group. (p. 6 舊範圍: 口說寫作)

Task 4 
Halo Error: A person is particularly strong/talented in a certain area, causing others to ignore his other abilities or causing others to overestimate his abilities in other areas. (Text: People have both strengths and weaknesses: they are good at some things and not as good at other things. However, when someone is especially talented in one area, other people tend not to notice that person’s weaknesses. The one special talent casts a positive light–or halo–on the whole person, whether or not the person in actually good at other things.) Listening-the professor gives the example of his former classmates who performed extremely well in a physics class. People immediately thought he was brilliant in physics and mathematics. However, when he applied to be this person’s roommate and became his roommate, the professor found out that this person had poor personal organization skills. His life was disorganized: not only did he not pay the rent, he also did not clean up after himself. (p. 38 新範圍: 口說寫作)

Task 5 
A director has to produce a film/play but the male lead has a terrible temper. He has two options: to play the lead himself or ask the actor to cooperate with everyone. 請注意,這道題有點特別,問題和解決辦法都是同一個人提出的。男生在拍一部電影,但是其中一個演員脾氣很壞,其他人都討厭他。然後他自己提出了解決 辦法:1、解雇這個演員,該男生自己飾演這個角色,同時兼任導演。2、跟這個演員好好談談,讓他收斂一下脾氣好好跟別人合作!

Task 6 
Animals can survive better as a group (penguins). They can stay together to keep warm and they can also stay together for protection against predators.  (2010926福口語機經練習)

Integrated Writing
RT: too much folic acid (B vitamin, produce healthy cells) can be dangerous
R1: harmful in high doses-link to diseases, cancer
R2: folic acid can be harmful to elders-too much can disrupt intake of other vitamins
R3:add folic acid to vitamins, not food-ppl can choose the amt they need

LT: article has valid concerns, but the reading is still flawed
L1: 15% ppl already have enough, but this is only the avg.-the research does not tell us what everyone needs (younger woman needs more FA to keep themselves and babies healthy)
L2: elderly can consume too much FA, FA is not harmful to elders-taking in a lot of FA keeps the elderly healthy (prevent diseases)
L3: ppl don’t like vitamins
-even if ppl take vitamins, it will usually be too late, so vitamins have proper effect
-effective for ppl to put FA into food like bread
(p. 20 菁華版) (p. 57 新範圍: 口說寫作)

Independent Writing
A/D?  People should only watch movies that can teach them something about real life
(p. 35菁華版) (p. 64 新範圍: 口說寫作)

