2013年9月18日 星期三


Passage 1. 
locomotion:  swimming on the surface and underwater, the later need less energy due to lack of the wave flying energy, the energy for fly forward, the energy to lift its weight( more energy than swimming) walking energy, the energy for acceleration and deceleration( the biggest part), the energy for overcome gravity

Passage 2. 
oral poem history 荷馬史詩,scientists 開始認為the poems were writen down , 後來發現是the poems were improvisional forms firstly, then collected by later editors

Passage 3.
Jupiter的兩個行星, 最後一題是兩個行星各有和特徵: 第一個行星的core formed from ice, solid core, not full of ice 第二個行星的core formed from rock and metal, the surface is full of craters, high geologic activities

the printers in the students center broken down, students cannot print their papers near the end of the semester

botany class: why the green leaves of the plant will turn into other colors
tranditional view: the material to photosynthesize break down in the Autumn
recent study: a special material shield the sunlight to break down the material which reabsorb the nutrients from breaking down

physics class: low frequent electric wave
the difference between sound wave and radio wave: sound need medium, radio wave does not need
two types of low frequent electric wave : different path determines the different sound effect

professor asks the student to attend a play and talk with one actor to learn the adapting play( transform other genres of literature into scripts in the play)
psychology: ANS ability number sense  the experiments to test the ability in animals
    ANS ability number sense relates to the ability in mathematics
children literature
  a important children author was ignored by educators at first his style: human characters are alike, like comedy ( so educators thought it's not apporiate for children to read)
  changed his styles due to the influence of J.H
加試:ID卡,神經細胞, 英國浪漫主義詩人

Task 1  If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.(p. 3 新範圍:口說寫作) (p.1 菁華版)

Task 2 Do you prefer to watch movies in the theater or at home? Why? (p.4新範圍:口說寫作) (p.8 菁華版)

Task 3 The announcement of election results will be delayed. When voting, there were special circumstances which may cause a delay in the release of results... (p.5新範圍:口說寫作)

Task 4 The reading is about Progress Explanation. That is, somebody tells somebody else how to do some work. There are two types of Progress Explanation... (p.3新範圍:口說寫作)

Task 5 The student’s problem is that he finished his history paper and it is due tomorrow. However, his computer suddenly crashed so he can’t turn on the machine. He didn’t back up the file and he doesn’t have a paper copy. (p.6新範圍:口說寫作)

Task 6 The professor talks about the collaborative feeding habits of animals. That is, many animals tend to hunt and live together. He gives two points to explain the topic. (p. 5新範圍:口說寫作)

Integrated Writing
RT: Petroglyphs,一個痕跡,主要講誰畫的和purpose
R1: Spanish miners mark the route to the gold deposits
R2: the Native American use the gloove and sloop to catch bird, resulting in the 象形文字 
R3: use the 象形文字to describe the astronomic event, such as tracking the sun rise and down

LT: 聽力反對 
L1: 象形文字is from the Native American who settled in dessert far before the Spanish miners
L2: two methods Native American actually used to catch preys would not make the 象形文字
L3: the direction of the straight lines in the 象形文字are different, so they were not used to mark the the position of the sun

Independent Writing
A/D?  students who keep rooms their neat and organized are more successful than those who do not. (pg.50 範圍:口說寫作) (p.11 菁華版)

